
人气 29

我是王维林 I am Wang Weilin,
一个没有删除就消失的名字 a name vanished not by deletion,
一个没有告别就终止的性命 a life ended without a word of parting,
一个不再有温度的存在 and a being no longer felt warm,
一个神秘失踪的青年 a young man secretly missing,
in that bullets whooshing morning.

我是王维林 I am Wang Weilin.
只身面对长驱列阵的坦克 Facing a column of tanks in motion,
我站在世界最长最宽的街心 in the middle of the world’s longest lane,
手中的袋子甩动自由的定律 and swaying the bag following the law of freedom,
双脚腾挪挡住装甲的行进 I hopped to block the tanks from advancing,
在那个嗜血的早晨 in that bloodthirsty morning.

我是王维林 I am Wang Weilin.
背影勾住了全世界的眼睛 My back took the world’s attention,
对峙摄取了四海五洲的心魂 and the standoff seized all hearts from beating.
镜头定格为震撼世界的画面 The scene turned into a picture shaking the whole universe,
画面刷新了所有大师的杰作 and the picture became an art redefining the meaning of masterpiece,
在那个万古不赦的早晨 in that forever cursed morning.

我是王维林 I am Wang Weilin.
Despite brutal and endless demonizations,
我是中国尊严的守夜人 I remain a night patroller safeguarding people’s dignity.
生命复制万世不绝的勇气 Life is replicating everlasting bravery,
隔代传承往圣先贤的基因 with copies of our ancient saints’ gene,
在那个四九年后唯一的早晨 in that post-49 and once-only morning.

我是王维林 I am Wang Weilin.
山海经奠基我的骨骼脉络 My bones and veins are built upon the classics of the Shanhai Jing,
经史子集塑造我的血气精魂 and my heroism and soul upon the wisdom of China’s anciency.
履带可以轻易碾过我的身体 Tanks may run over my body with ease,
但即使一万次碾压我依然站立 but nothing can ever prevent me from upstanding,
在那个三千年后的早晨 through 3,000 years, in that morning.

我是王维林 I am Wang Weilin.
是大陆总要旭日东升 Nothing can prevent our land from meeting the sunrise,
是人类终将公义和平 and no one can stop the mankind from seeking justice,
即使时代穿上盛世的名牌行头 even when time is dressed in brand-name heyday costumes,
即使长街生长遗忘的水泥丛林 and roads covered with hypnotic concrete columns,
我作证,在那个硝烟弥漫的早晨 I testify, in that gunpowder fumed morning.

我是王维林 I am Wang Weilin.
代表血泊中倒下的北京 I dare to speak for Beijing that fell in bloodshed,
象征人类自由精神 and to signify human spirit for liberty.
在长安拆除柏林墙第一快砖石 Standing at Changan, let me chip off the first brick of the Berlin Wall,
从中国结束世界冷战的命运 and from China, let me blow the first whistle for ending the Cold War,
在那个红色丧钟敲响的清晨 in that morning, with red funeral bells ringing.

我是王维林 I am Wang Weilin.
当你沐浴冬季大雪飘洒 When you bathe in the winter snow swirling,
当你迎面秋天落叶缤纷 or raise your head to face the autumn leaves falling;
当你仰望舒云长空漫卷 and when you look up the rolling clouds in the sky,
当你听见排浪江海翻腾 or hear the roaring of the tides,
那是我,来自那个不朽的早晨。 that is me, coming from that immortal morning.

我是王维林 Yes, I am Wang Weilin.
悲情如雪我就在你们中间 In a solemn mood snow-white, I am with you forever,
我也将指挥欢乐颂开启中国的勃兰登堡门 conducting the Ode An die Freude to knock open China’s Brandenburger Tor.
不必再找寻我吧,朋友 Friends, please no longer look for me,
我订购了永远在场的历史门票 as I’ve got the pass and entered the theatre of history,
自从那个永不消失的早晨 since that eternal morning.


六四挡坦克王维林下落? 最完整录像曝光(视频组图)