
不满港警暴力驱离 黑客宣战香港政府

【大纪元2014年10月03日讯】(大纪元记者沙莉综合报导)周三(10月1日),世界知名黑客组织“ 匿名(Anonymous)”因不满香港警方暴力驱离示威民众,宣布发起网络战,他们宣称已经侵入多个政府网站。反占中的建制派政党民主建港协进联盟(简称民建联)网站目前无法使用。

“匿名”组织在视频新闻门户News2share上发布了香港警察使用胡椒喷雾和催泪瓦斯对示威者施暴的场面,伴随着配音说,“匿名”组织威胁要公开揭露香港政府官员的个人信息,并且表示如果香港当局继续镇压要求2017年全面民主普选特首的抗议者,该组织将攻占数据库和电子邮件。目前,,, austismpartnership, and网站已经被攻占。



到现在为止,“匿名”组织攻占了部分政府运营的小型机构的网站,换上音乐和“匿名”组织的图片,并在网站上写有,“我们厌倦了你们的瞎扯淡!这是‘香港行动(Operation HongKong)’ 。我们不会停止。我们不会放弃!你们已激怒所有的匿名人#SaveHongKong #OpHongKong #Anonymous #Hacked” 。


Greetings, world. We are Anonymous.

It has come to our attention that recent tactics used against peaceful protesters here in the United States have found their way to Hong Kong. To the protesters in Hong Kong, we have heard your plea for help. Take heart and take to your streets. You are not alone in this fight. Anonymous members all over the world stand with you, and will help in your fight for democracy.

To the Hong Kong police and any others that are called to the protests, we are watching you very closely and have already begun to wage war on you for your inhumane actions against your own citizens. If you continue to abuse, harass or harm protesters, we will continue to deface and take every web-based asset of your government off line. That Is not a threat. It is a promise.

Attacking protesters will result in releasing personal information of all of your government officials. We will seize all your databases and e-mail pools and dump them on the Internet. This is your first and only warning. The time has come for democracy for the citizens of Hong Kong. The line has been drawn in the sand. The police are to protect, not trample on, the freedoms and democracy of their citizens. Until justice prevails, hack and protest will replace it. The cause of security and democracy will be grounds for the assault on your virtual infrastructure. Take this opportunity to stand down while we give it to you, or it will get a lot worse.

Operation Hong Kong engaged. We are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Government of Hong Kong, expect us.
