

Cisco May Help Chinese City Monitor Citizens




1. Keep an eye on: ph. 照看;注意

2. Dissident :n. [‘dɪsədənt] 持不同政见者

3. Dub: v. [dʌb] 戏称为;起绰号

4. Stifle: v. [‘staɪfḷ] 压制;扼杀

5. Amnesty :n. [‘æmnəstɪ] 大赦

6. Crack down: ph. 严厉打击

7. Criminalize:v. [‘krɪmənəˈlaɪz] 使非法

8. Counsel: n. [‘kaunsḷ] 法律顾问

9. Suppress: v. [sə’prɛs] 压制

10. Massacre: n. [‘mæsəkɚ] 屠杀

11. Bar :v. [bɑr] 禁止

12. Fingerprinting: n. [‘fɪŋgɚˈprɪntɪŋ] 取指印;盖手印

Computer networking giant Cisco may be helping the Chinese regime keep an eye on its citizens – including monitoring political dissidents.

电脑网路巨头思科,可能会帮助中国政权监控公民─ ─包括监视持不同政见者。

Over the next two to three years, the city of Chongqing will install a complex network of surveillance equipment, including half a million security cameras. The project is dubbed “Peaceful Chongqing.” According to the Wall Street Journal, Cisco is likely to provide key pieces of equipment.


Human rights groups are concerned the camera network will be used to further stifle human rights and political expression. Amnesty International researcher Corinna-Barbara Francis told the Journal that there is evidence Chinese authorities use video surveillance to, “crack down and then criminalize activity which should not be criminalized.”

人权组织担心,摄影机网路将被用来进一步压制人权,和人们的政治表达权利。大赦国际的研究员科琳娜 – 芭芭拉弗朗西斯告诉华尔街日报说,证据指出中国当局使用录影监控,来“打击那些本不应以犯罪论处的犯罪活动。”

Cisco general counsel Mark Chandler stated in a June blog post that they do not supply the CCP with equipment that has been “customized in any way” to suppress human rights.


After the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, a U.S. law barred companies from exporting crime control products, like fingerprinting equipment, to China. But the restrictions don’t cover equipment with multiple uses, like security cameras.

经过 1989年的天安门大屠杀事件后,美国法律禁止公司行号出口犯罪控制产品到中国,如指纹识别设备等。但这项限制不包括具有多种用途的设备,如保全摄影机。


本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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