

U.S. Congressmen Speak Out for Falun Gong




1. Congressman: n. [ˈkɑŋgrəsmən] 国会议员

2. Dungeon: n. [‘dʌndʒən] 地牢

3. Lawn: n. [lɔn] 草坪

4. Rough: adj. [rʌf] 犯罪盛行的

5. Blessing: n. [‘blɛsɪŋ] 赞同;许可

6. Custody: n. [‘kʌstədɪ] 监禁

7. Tranquil :adj. [‘træŋkwɪl] 平静的

8. Tyranny: n. [‘tɪrənɪ] 暴政

9. Torture :v. [‘tɔrtʃɚ] 酷刑

10. A myriad of :ph. 无数的;大量的

11. Resolution: n. [ˈrɛzə’luʃən] 决议

12. Senate: n. [‘sɛnət] 参议院

[Dana Rohrabacher, U.S. Congressman]:

“Thousands and thousands of human beings are being murdered.”


The persecution of Falun Gong is now in it’s 12th year.


[Dana Rohrabacher, U.S. Congressman]:

“Are being taken away from their families and thrown into dungeons and to jails and to work camps.”


And every July for 12 years Falun Gong practitioners and their supporters have gathered on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol.

过去十二年每年七月, 法轮功修炼者及其支持者都会在美国国会大厦的草坪上聚集.

[Dana Rohrabacher, U.S. Congressman]:

And these things, these evil things are happening, not by some rouge element in China, but instead with the blessing and the direction of the leadership of the Communist party that controls the government of China.”


[Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, U.S. Congresswoman]:

“At least 26 practitioners have died due to the abuse in custody since the beginning of this year.”


Falun Gong is an ancient Chinese spiritual practice that rose to popularity during the 90s. The practice is known for its tranquil exercises and traditional values of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance. Throughout its history, the Chinese Communist Party has tried to wipe out traditional culture in the Mainland and in 1999 Falun Gong became a target.


[Dana Rohrabacher, U.S. Congressman]:

“Which one was Chinese Marx or Lenin? Neither one of them. The Falun Gong represents a movement in China that reflects the traditional values of the people, the government in China reflects tyranny and injustice and a philosophy that was brought in from Europe.”

美国国会议员达纳罗拉巴克说:“谁是中国马克思或列宁?没有人是。法轮功代表的是中国的一种运动,反映了人们的传统价值。而中国政府只反映了它们的暴政、不公, 还有从欧洲引进的理念而已。”

Congressman Chris Smith says President Obama has been too soft when it comes to pressuring the Chinese regime on human rights.


[Chris Smith, U.S. Congressman]:

“My hope is the president will realize the error, as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, of speaking far too softly as people are being tortured to death, and killed in a myriad of other ways, simply because of their faith, simply because they are Falun Gong.”


While many feel Obama is yet to show his support, Congress has taken a stand. In 2010 the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution calling on the Chinese regime to end the persecution.

虽然很多人都认为欧巴马尚未表态支持,国会已经采取了立场。 在2010年, 美国众议院通过了一项决议,对中国政权要求结束迫害。

Falun Gong practitioners who have experienced torture first hand say this support is valuable.


[Charles Lee, Torture Victim]:

“The support from the U.S. Congress and also the U.S. government, different organizations, and this support is very important because it gives the Communist regime pressure.”


Now a new bi-partisan resolution has just been introduced in the U.S. Senate. Falun Gong practitioners hope the senate resolution will prompt the U.S. president and leaders of other nations to take a stand.



本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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