

Thousands in Hong Kong & Taipei Hold Large Pillow Fights





1. Pillow: n. [ˋpɪlo] 枕头

2. Mark: v. [mɑrk] 纪念;庆祝

3. Raise: v. [rez] 筹募(资金)

4. Let off steam: ph. 宣泄压力

5. Sign up : ph. 报名参加

6. Lead the charge: ph. 打头阵;带头冲锋

7. Hysterical: adj. [hɪsˋtɛrɪk!] 歇斯底里的

8. Flash mob : ph. 快闪族

9. Flay: v. [fle] 狠狠鞭打

10. Productive: adj. [prəˋdʌktɪv] 有效益的

11. Cope with: ph. 对付;处理

12. Overnight : adv. [ˋovɚˋnaɪt] 彻夜;一夜之间


People in Taiwan and Hong Kong participated in massive pillow fights on Saturday to mark International Pillow Fight Day, some raising money for Japan’s earthquake relief, others just letting off a bit of steam.


In Hong Kong, the city’s first International Pillow Fight Day was organized on Facebook, and over 1,200 people signed up.


[Tom Grundy, Hong Kong Pillow Fight Organizer]:

“I contacted the international pillow fight day website and no one was volunteering for Hong Kong so I made a Facebook event, invited a hundred friends and put it on a few other websites, and I guess friends told friends and it went a bit crazy.”


Some came with a strategy.


[Unidentified Australian Pillow Fight Participant]:

“So my strategy, leading the charge, after commanding the sons of Scotland and telling everyone how they could take our lives and never take our freedom.”


Outside the city’s government headquarters, a party of playful violence and hysterical childishness unfolded.


[Unidentified Participant, Hong Kong]:

“And yet here we are in Hong Kong and I would never believe something like this would happen. The first flash mob ever and it’s perfectly fine.”


Meanwhile, pillows were being flayed about at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei.


Participants say the event was both fun, and productive.


[Kuo A-che, Pillow Fight Participant]:

“I think this is fun, and at the same time they will make donations to Japan, so it is good to do something for charity. But mostly I am here for fun.”


One hundred pillows printed with words “Pray for Japan” were sold at the site to raise money to help Japan cope with the tsunami disaster.


Taiwan has hosted pillow fights for the past three years.


[Kory Chen, Taiwan Pillow Fight Organizer]:

“The core value of this event is really to bring everyone outdoors to have fun, but since Japan’s earthquake just happened, we think young people should contribute too. We ordered 100 pillows from a factory down south, and added the little pictures on them overnight.”


International Pillow Fight Day is an activity organized by the Urban Playground Movement.


The event website says more than 130 cities around the world joined in this year.



本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw