

Christchurch Quake Survivor Ties the Knot





1. survivor: n. [sɚˋvaɪvɚ]幸存者、生还者

2. tie the knot: ph. [taɪ ðə nɑt]结婚

3. rescue from: ph. [ˋrɛskju frɑm]援救

4. go ahead: ph. [go əˋhɛd]进行、发生

5. narrowly: adv. [ˋnærolɪ]勉强地

6. magnitude: n. [ˋmægnə͵tjud]震级

7. tremor: n. [ˋtrɛmɚ]震动

8. huddle: v. [ˋhʌd!]蜷缩

9. fetal position: n. [ˋfit!] [pəˋzɪʃən]胎位、胎姿

10. ahead of: ph. [əˋhɛd ɑv]在…之前

11. claim: v. [klem]夺取

12. set to: ph. [sɛt] [tu]开始

An earthquake survivor, who was rescued from a collapsed building after being trapped for over six hours, went ahead with her wedding plans and married her fiancé on Friday.


Emma Howard, an accountant in the Pyne Gould Guinness building, narrowlyescaped when a concrete roof crashed down on her workstation during Tuesday’s 6.3 magnitude tremor.

Emma Howard是在Pyne Gould Guinness 办公大楼上班的会计师,周二芮氏规模6.3级地震时,当时混凝土屋顶坠倒她的工作站,她险些逃出。

She was huddled in the fetal position for six and a half hours while she waited for help, but she could see and hear her colleagues who were also trapped near her.


She was finally rescued along with six of her colleagues.


Howard’s fiancé, Chris Greenslade, anxiously waited for his bride ahead of their wedding ceremony at the Christ the King Catholic Church in Burnside. The church was not affected by the quake.

Howard的未婚夫,Chris Greenslade,在伯恩赛德的Christ the King Catholic教堂,婚礼仪式前焦急地等待他的新娘,该教堂未受到地震影响。

[Chris Greensdale, Emma’s Fiancé]:

“It’s a big day here today, but it’s been a crazy week, crazy week and I’m just glad I’ve got a happy ending to it all.”

艾玛的未婚夫Chris Greensdale说:


He rushed to the scene immediately after the quake struck. He dug among the rubble and helped to free others while searching for Howard.


After Emma was rescued, the couple decided to go ahead with their wedding as planned.


Howard was unharmed except for some bruising when she was pulled from the rubble.


The disaster has claimed 113 lives so far, and the authorities warned the death toll is set to climb, with more than 200 still missing.

到目前为止,这场灾难已夺取 113条性命,有关当局预告,死亡人数会开始增加,仍有超过 200人下落不明。


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本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw