
Jessie Chen, David Lee
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Inflation in China Hits a 28-Month High

1. inflation: n. [ɪnˋfleʃən] 通货膨胀.
2. soar: v. [sor] 狂增
3. consumer price index: ph. [kənˋsjumɚ praɪsˋɪndɛks] 消费者物价指数
4. stimulus : n. [ˋstɪmjələs]刺激
5. raise : v. [rez]提高
6. reserve: n. [rɪˋzɝv]储备
7. sop up : ph. [sop ʌp] 吸干
8. excess: adj. [ɪkˋsɛs] 过多的
9. hard line: ph. [hɑrdˋlaɪn]强硬立场
10. hoarding: n. [ˋhordɪŋ]贮藏
11. artificially: adv. [͵ɑrtəˋfɪʃəlɪ]人为地
12. afford: v. [əˋford]买的起

The Chinese National Bureau of Statistics announced on Saturday, China’s inflation has soared to a 28-month high. The consumer priceindex rose by 5.1 % year-on-year in November.

Food was the biggest concern, with prices rising 11.7 %. Economists say inflation could be spreading to other sectors, with health care up 4 % and house prices up 5.8 %.
粮食是最大的担忧,价格上涨11.7%。经济学家说,通货膨胀可能会蔓延到其他领域,医疗保健上涨 4%和房价上涨5.8%。

[Hu Xingdou, Professor of Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology]:
“China will experience a long-term inflation era. Price rises will be seen in sectors like real estate and asset prices. Prices of raw materials, commodities, agricultural products and agricultural inputs will also rise rapidly.”
[Hu Xingdou, Professor of Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology]
北京理工大学经济学教授胡星斗说:“ 中国将经历一个长期通货膨胀的时代。房地产及资产商品的部分,将会看到价格上涨。原物料、日用品、农产品、进口农产品的价格也将快速上涨。

Economists blame massive lending and billions of stimulus spending in reaction to the financial crisis.

China’s central bank raised lenders’ reserve requirements for the third time in a month tosop up some of the excess cash in the economy that is driving prices higher.

Chinese authorities also promised to take a hard line on the hoarding of food and other goods which they say is artificially driving up prices.

But many retired city dwellers still worry they will not have enough money to pay doctor bills if food prices keep rising.

[Ms. Wang, Beijing Resident]:
“For people like us who have retired, with low salaries, you can afford to eat as long as you don’t get sick. If you have to see a doctor you soon won’t be able to afford to eat.”
[Ms. Wang, Beijing Resident] [北京居民,王小姐说]:

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这是一篇有关中国通膨遽增的报导。通货膨胀(inflation),就是货币(currency)太多了;在一个经济体中,如果过多的货币,去追逐等量的商品,就会造成价格的上扬。物以稀为贵(Scarcity leads to higher price),货币做为一种商品,如果太多了,货币也就不值钱了,就贬值了(depreciate)所以就得用更多的货币,去交换等量的商品。


央行(central bank)就是一个国家负责市场上货币总量调控的机构,当市场上钱太多时,央行就会进行公开市场操作(open market operation),要调高利率(interest rate),以吸收市场上过多的货币。反之,市场上钱太少时,央行就要调降利率,人们觉得钱放在银行利息过低,就会试图将资金投入市场,寻求更高的获利,即使必须承担较高的风险(risk)。

Consumer Price Index,消费者物价指数,是衡量通货膨胀的主要指标(indicator)之一。一般定义超过3%为通货膨胀,超过5%就是比较严重的通货膨胀。

在2008年的金融风暴中,中国投入大量的资金以振兴经济,但副作用(side effect)就是使得市场上货币过多,造成物价飞扬的严重通膨。所以要看懂英语新闻,也要懂得经济学上的一些基本常识(common sense)喔!

再者,一般指上涨最基本的用字就是up, 但英文记者也会使用surge, soar, mount, hike, climb, escalate等字表示上扬。本篇报导记者就使用soar这个字,英文定义是to rise very quickly to a high level,快速地攀昇到很高层次,所以本文译作“狂飙”。

Excess可以是名词,本文中作形容词,过多的。因为ex-是out之意,-cess是to go的意思,to go out所以是超过、过多的意思。Process则是to go forward,往前走,所以是“过程”之意。Recess则是to go back(re-=back), 回去不开会了,因此是“休会”之意。Recession为什么是“衰退、萧条”呢?因为经济to go back了嘛!

本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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