

WikiLeaks: Chinese Regime Propaganda Chief Behind Google Attack





1. propaganda: n. [͵prɑpəˋgændə]宣传

2. leak: v. [lik]泄露

3. responsible for: ph. [rɪˋspɑnsəb! fɔr] 对…负责

4. well-place: adj. [ˋwɛlˋplest]有良好社会地位的

5. elite: n. [eˋlit]精英

6. censorship: n. [ˋsɛnsɚ͵ʃɪp]审查制度

7. dub : v. [dʌb]授与…称号

8. mastermind: v. [ˋmæstɚmaɪnd]策划、幕后操纵

9. oversee: v. [ˋovɚˋsi] 监督

10. implicate: v. [ˋɪmplɪ͵ket] 暗指

11. cite: v. [saɪt] 指出

12. oversight: v. [ˋovɚ͵saɪt] oversee的p.t.过去式,监督

Over the weekend, the New York Times named the senior Chinese communist official that may have been behind the attacks on Google’s computer systems last year. U.S. diplomatic cables leaked by WikiLeaks indicate a member of the Chinese regime’s Politburo, Li Changchun, was responsible for the attacks.


According to the New York Times, a cable dated May 18, 2009, quoted a well-placed source saying Li had searched for his name on Google’s international website, google.com. The results Li found were, quote, “critical of him.” Another cable dated earlier this year quoted a Chinese person, with family connections with the Communist Party’s elite, as claiming that Li directed an attack on Google’s servers in the United States.


Li is the Communist Party’s propaganda chief, and is behind the regime’s internet censorship machine, dubbed the “Great Firewall.”


Whether Li masterminded the hacking on Google is not clear. The source in the cable dated this year told The New York Times that Li oversaw the campaign against Google’s operation in China. But that person did not know who directed the hacking attack.


The leaked cables also implicated another Politburo member in the Google hacking. The Chinese regime’s top security official, Zhou Yongkang wascited as having oversight over the Google attacks along with Li.


Google pulled its search engine from the Chinese market earlier this year. It had announced it would stop censoring search results for the Chinese regime after highly publicizing attacks on its servers that were traced back to China.


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例如:reject与refuse两个字,都是“拒绝”的意思,分解来看,re-当然都是back之意,-ject是to throw丢的意思,to throw back丢回去,当然就是拒绝了。-fuse是to pour 倾倒之意,to pour back倾倒回去,也是表达了拒绝的意函,因此reject与refuse就是“由不同的字根、不同的字首,却可组合成为相同的意思”。

在以上《维基解密:Chinese Regime Propaganda Chief Behind Google Attack》这条新闻中,出现了oversee这个字, oversight是其过去式,意思是“监督”。Over是“在~之上”之意,那oversee就是“从上往下看”,“监督”不正是“从上往下看”吗?

读者们知道监督还有另一个字吗?那就是supervise。字根-vis就是to see的意思,所以visible是“可看的到”,vision是“视野、愿景”之意,就与“看”有关,revise是修正的意思(re-=again, 修正就得再看一次),那super-这个字首是above“在~之上”的意思,如superman是超人,super-并不是解释为“超级”,而是“在~之上”,因此sumperman为什么是超人呢?因为超人就是“在人之上”啰!所以读者就可以明了supervise为什么是“监督”了,因为“监督”就是“从上往下看”啰!

其实啊,监督还不只oversee, supervise这两个字呢,还有monitor也是监督喔。大家应该都知道monitor名词是萤幕,也叫“监视器”,所以monitor当动词用时,就是“监督”的意思啰!

所以在这一集里,大家就学到了oversee, supervise, monitor这三个字都是监督的意思,因为在英文的造字法则里,由不同的字根、不同的字首,却可以组合成为相同的意思喔!@*

本专栏由前卫英语李德良主编 www.davidlee.url.tw