

Age Has No Barrier for Helping Others





1. barrier: n.障碍、阻碍

2. twilight: adj. 晚年的

3. worse off: ph.每况愈下的

4. cuddly: adv. 不由得想搂抱的; 可爱的

5. enthusiastic about: ph.热情于..的

6. knit: v. 编织

7. cast on/off: ph.起针/收针

8. join up: ph.连结

9. crochet: v.钩针编织

10. do unto others (as you would have them do unto you):ph.己所不欲,勿施于人

This is a story of selfless ladies in their twilight years, ladies who have the heart to help others.


[Jess Howell, Senior Volunteer Knitter]:

“You can always find somebody worse off than yourself.”



Can you believe it, Jess and two elderly friends make rugs for nursing homes and homes for the aged!


[Diane A’Beckett, Volunteer Knitter]:

“They’re nice they’re not too big they’re not too small, they’re nice and cuddly and give a lot of warmth and happiness to people I hope.”



This is where it all began, the home of Jess Howell. She is 95 and blind, and enthusiastic about the business of rug making. She buys the wool and knits the squares. She says, “I think somebody else might need their knees keeping warm beside us.”

一切都是从洁斯赫威尔的家开始。她是95岁盲人,热衷于制做小毛毯。 她买羊毛线并将其编织为方块状。 她说:“我觉得除我们之外,可能还有别人需要能温暖膝盖的东西。”

Diane A’Beckett, the junior member of the trio lives in a home for the elderly. Each Saturday she goes to Jess’s home and finishes the knitted squares, which is known as ‘casting off’.


[Diane A’Beckett, Volunteer Knitter]:

“She can cast on all right but she can’t cast off, she can’t see enough to cast off. So she puts them on a spare needle and I cast them off. She does up to 15 a week.”


“她可以把起针做的很好,但是无法收针,她视力不足以做收针。 所以她把它们织成方块状让我来做收针。她一星期能做15个“

For the final process, the knitted squares are then taken to 91 year old Pat Viezee the third link in this selfless chain.


[Pat Viezee, Rug Sewer]:

“I join them all up and then crochet round the edge and press them and they come up beautifully.”



It’s a drive that comes from the heart. And according to Jess it’s the old golden rule ‘do unto others’ – if everybody lived by that she says, “it would be pretty good, everybody would be so much nicer and kinder to their neighbors – their friends and neighbors.”


This tight knit trio proves that despite age or physical disability, it’s a kind heart and a willingness to help others that makes such a difference in this world.


NTD News, Dubbo, Australia.


