
Wan-Chun Chang, David Lee
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Obama Meets Dalai Lama Despite Chinese Warning


1. brush aside : ph.漠视、不理会
2. commend: vt. 称赞
3. commitment:n.致力、献身
4. pursuit: n. 追求
5. envoy: n. 使者;外交使节
6. yield: vt. 产生
7. defy: vt. 向…挑战;激,惹
8. pains: n. 千辛万苦,呕心沥血
9. coverage: n. 新闻报导
10. placate: vt. 抚慰;和解
11. regard as: ph.把…视为
12. separatist: n.分离主义者

U.S. President Barack Obama hosted the Dalai Lama at the WhiteHouse yesterday, brushing asideChina’s warning that the talks with the spiritual leader could further damage strained Sino-U.S. ties.

The meeting took place in the face of wider tensions over U.S. weapons sales to Taiwan, Beijing’s currency policies and Chinese Internet security.

After the hour-long meeting, the White House said in a written statement “The president commended the Dalai Lama’s … commitment to nonviolence and his pursuit of dialogue with the Chinese government.”

Obama encouraged China and the Dalai Lama’s envoys to keep up efforts to resolve their differences through negotiations, despite recent talks having yielded little progress.

The White House said Obama and the Dalai Lama also “agreed on the importance of a positive and cooperative relationship between the United States and China.”

While defying Chinese demands to scrap the talks, the White House took pains to keep the encounter low-key, barring media coverage of the meeting itself, in an apparent bid to placate Beijing.

Beijing has faced international criticism for its Tibet policies. It is being encouraged to preserve Tibet’s identity and protect its people’s human rights.

The Dalai Lama is admired by millions around the world as a man of peace, but Beijing regards him as a dangerous separatist.

* * *

1. brushing aside China’s warning
2. could further damage strained Sino-U.S. ties.
3. Beijing’s currency policies
4. The president commended the Dalai Lama’s … commitment to nonviolence
5. despite recent talks having yielded little progress.
6. While defying Chinese demands to scrap the talks
7. the White House took pains to keep the encounter low-key,
8. barring media coverage of the meeting itself,
9. in an apparent bid to placate Beijing.

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