

Beijing Singles Shop for Love





1. client : n. 委托人、顾客

2. acquaintance: n. 相识的人,熟人

3. socialize: vt. 社交,交际

4. profile: n. 简介

5. eager: adj.热切的,渴望的

6. praise: v. 赞美;歌颂

7. validate: vt. 确认

Beijing’s “I’m looking for you” supermarket sells nothing but love.

The market which was opened in November 2009 gives the city’s singles a new way to meet “the one.”



In their few months of operation, the market has more than 1,000 clients and successfully matched over fifty pairs.


25-year-old teacher Qu Hui: “I really hope I can find someone here; that is my greatest hope from the love supermarket. But if that doesn’t happen, I hope I can use this space to meet more friends and acquaintances. After all, I am a teacher, so the people that I can meet and socialize with are very limited.”


Each customer pays three dollars, puts up his or her profile, which includes name, age, occupation, income and a picture they hope will catch the eye of their perfect mate. Then, browse around.


35-year-old Wang Jiaohong said the supermarket has a lot of great women.


[Wang Jiaohong, Searching for Love]:

“My mother says that the reason why I haven’t found the one yet is because I’m too picky. But in reality, I believe it’s because I just haven’t yet found my match.”



Eager mothers have encouraged their single children to attend the market, praising it as a safe space because each participant’s information is validated.


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1. to meet more friends and acquaintances.

2. I just haven’t yet found my match.

3. Eager mothers

4. safe space

5. each participant’s information is validated.

