

Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story.


Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer.


“You talk to people on the telephone and don’t see them on the other end of the line, right?” he began. The children nodded yes.


“Well, talking to God is like talking on the telephone. He’s on the other end, but you can’t see him. He is listening though.”


Just then a little boy piped up and asked, “What’s his number?”


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【David’s Note】

1. minister一般作“部长”解,prime minister就是总理或首相之意。但minister也可以是“牧师、神职人员”。

2. illustrate 的意思是To make clear or intelligible; explain by examples. 就是让人清楚明白,以例子解释,也就是“详述”之意。但详述不一定都得用文字,也可以用插画,所以illustrate也有to make plain by means of pictures也就是图解之意。Adobe公司出版的Illustrator就是很著名、被美工人员广泛使用的插画软体。

3. pipe的意思很多,作名词解时可以是管道、烟斗,当动词时可以是尖叫,所以pipe up就是大声说、高声说之意。

The crowds piped up their disapproval in the huge demonstration.


