

【大紀元7月26日訊】(大紀元記者南希/吉娜華盛頓DC報導) 2007年7月20日上午10:00, 來自世界各地的兩千多位民眾聚集在美國首都的華盛頓紀念碑北廣場,聲援二千四百萬中國民眾退出中共。來自紐約、波士頓的幾十位華人在集會現場宣誓退出中共, 另有二十幾位大陸民眾通過現場直播集會的希望之聲國際廣播電台宣佈退出中共。

華盛頓聲援二千四百萬民眾退出中共國際集會於2007年7月20日華府華盛頓紀念碑 (大紀元圖片)
華盛頓聲援二千四百萬民眾退出中共國際集會於2007年7月20日華府華盛頓紀念碑 (大紀元圖片)

華盛頓聲援二千四百萬民眾退出中共國際集會於2007年7月20日華府華盛頓紀念碑 (大紀元圖片)

王曉丹女士的父親王治文是原北京「法輪大法研究會」的義務聯繫人,工程師。 王治文在北京市第一中級人民法院被秘密非法判處16年徒刑。目前在於天津市茶澱站監獄。受中共惡警殘酷迫害關押近八年的法輪功學員。在今年華盛頓7.20集會中﹐王曉丹女士為自己與父親遭受中共迫害提出控訴見證。





從小我就和爸爸一起煉法輪功。自從法輪功在1992年傳播開來,他是北京一個煉功點的協調人。他用了大量的業餘時間和精力讓人們了解法輪功,很多人因此變成更好、更健康的人。法輪功的迅速傳播給社會帶來非常好的影響,在這同時,我爸爸在社區裡也越來越德高望重。 他十分有愛心,我為他做的一切感到驕傲。爸爸對真、善、忍的信仰是如此的堅定,在共產黨的肆無忌憚的精神和肉體蹂躪面前也毫不畏縮。我要為父親的自由而努力,直到他能和家人重新團聚。

今天,我衷心企盼美國政府和人民能夠幫助我父親重獲自由和安全之身。王治文是一個無辜的人,然而陷入了非法中共的無端迫害。讓我們把黑暗中的恐懼暴露於陽光下,讓我們不再沉默,每一個聲音都是一個希望的燈塔,照亮中國黑暗的每一個黑窩點。美國有力量結束這場悲劇而重塑未來。 如果大家都不再沉默,一切都可改變。如果大家都把自己的聲音發出來,你的聲音將與自由共鳴。請和我站在一起,一起說: 還王治文自由,還王治文自由,還王治文自由。


Greetings Everyone.

My thanks to the organizers of this rally for having me and allowing me to be part of this historic movement.

My name is Danielle Wang, and I am a victim of communist tyranny. My father, Zhiwen Wang, was dragged from his bed in Beijing at dawn on July 20th, 1999. It was 8 long years ago. 8 years is too long for my father to be kept away from me. 8 years is too long for my family to have been broken. 8 years is too long for the cruelest, most groundless, outrageous genocide to have run rampant persecuting Falun Gong.

I grew up practicing Falun Gong with my dad. He was one of the main practice site coordinators in Beijing since Falun Gong was introduced in 1992. He spent hours of his time and an enormous amount of energy helping people learn the exercises and become healthier, better people. Falun Gong’s rapid spread through society was a testament to its positive influence. My dad was well known and respected in the community. He is a loving father and I am so proud of everything he has done. His steadfast faith in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance–even in the face of the communists’ relentless mental and physical torture–further my resolve to do everything I can to secure his release.

Today I am here to ask for the help of the US government and the people of America to bring my father to freedom and safety. Zhiwen Wang is an innocent man trapped in a groundless persecution by an illegitimate Chinese communist party. The darkness fears being exposed to the light, and every voice is a beacon of hope, lluminating every shadow in China’s darkest dens. The United States has the power to shape the future by addressing this tragedy. So much could change if we all speak out together. Your voices resound with echoes of freedom, so please say with me: “Free Zhiwen Wang!” “Free Zhiwen Wang!” “Free Zhiwen Wang!”

Thank you.

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