

人氣 5


Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott MEP,
Vice President of the European Parliament
Room 14E102, European Parliament
Rue Wiertz
1047 Brussels













大紀元時報 於03年12月19日和04年1月27日分別報導了上海大眾公司非法對待求職人員的消息。據報導,如果求職者拒絕簽署一份不參與、不支持法輪功的保證文件,他們就會失去在上海大眾求職的可能性。


二戰期間,大眾公司的生產轉向軍品,大約2萬名強迫勞工,戰俘,和後來的集中營囚徒為大眾公司工作。1998年的9月,出於對上述行為的反省,大眾公司設立了一個救助二戰期間在大眾公司強迫勞動受害者的人道主義基金會。此外,在沃爾夫斯堡還建立了一個懷念當年強制勞動工人的紀念館,很多建設工作是由現大眾僱員用義工形式完成的,其宗旨是為了讓人們牢記西方國家在二戰以後常說的一句話:Never again,就是要讓那種由政府發起的針對尤太人的種族滅絕事件「絕不重演!」。可悲的是,我們正在目睹著在當代中國正發生著同樣的事情。



1. 敦請德國總理Angela Merkel博士,制止中國大眾公司參與一切迫害法輪功員工的野蠻行徑。

2. 敦請大眾總裁Bernd Pischetsrieder博士,調查發生在中國大眾公司的一切迫害事件,關注那些被開除的法輪功學員的生存現狀和健康現狀,恢復其原有工作,並作相應補償。

3. 讓德國公民瞭解大眾公司在中國的所作所為。

4. 對正在進行的李海豐女士控告大眾公司違反勞動法一案給予關注。




Letter to the vice-president of the European Parliament Edward McMillan-Scott
To the Honorable Edward McMillan-Scott , the vice-president of the European Parliament

Your Excellency,

First of all, I would like to express my sincere respect for you by reason of your recent upright public comments on the CCP(China Communist Party)』s tyranny nature.

As the family member of a persecuted Falun Gong practitioner employed by Volkswagen in China, I am writing to you in order to ask you to pay a special attention to the disgraceful behavior of Volkswagen konzern participating in the CCP Regime’s persecution against Falun Gong, and ask you to provide these persecuted people help as a politician of stature.

Located in Changchun, Jilin Province of China, FAW-VW was established in 1991, with an annual output capacity of 0.66 million cars and 0.36 million engines, which is considered to be one of the most profiting firms in the North-East area. According to the website of this company, 「of over 6,000 employees, actually no one is willing to quit their career in FAW-VW」. But, during 1999 to 2003, at least ten Falun Gong practitioner employees listed as below, but not limited to these, were dismissed for refusing to give up their practice of Falun Gong:

Mr. Ren Yue-Qiang : Dismissed in the fall time of 1999 for reading a Falun Gong scripture in his dormitory.

Mr. Wang Yong-Qing : Arrested for giving out information about the true facts of Falun Gong to the public in the fall of 2000; dismissed whereupon by FAW-VW.

Mrs. Deng Hong ; Mrs. Tian Yan ; Mrs. Li Hai-Feng : Made a peaceful plea to the public in Oct. 2000 for the unjust treatment they received from the CCP regime but were arrested and sent for forced-labor jail. Unable to go back to work due to the unlawful detention, they were dismissed by FAW-VW in Dec. 2000.

Mr. Li Rong-Ze (a Korean-Chinese); Mrs. Li Ming-Xia : For making an appeal to the higher authorities and distributing information about the true circumstances of Falun Gong to the public, they were condemned to imprisonment for 3 years. Unable to go back to work due to the detention, they were dismissed by FAW-VW in Dec. 2000.

Mr. Wang Jian ; Mr. Jiang Long-Sheng : In Mar. 2002, arrested for no particular reason on the way back home from work during the period of the Excessive Catching Action for Falun Gong practitioner induced by the so-called Changchun TV Interposing Incidence; dismissed whereat by FAW-VW.

Mr. Jiang Wan-Chen : Arrested and sent to forced labor imprisonment for 1 year for giving out information about the true facts of Falun Gong to the public; dismissed whereupon by FAW-VW.

The most detestable aspect of FAW-VW』s conduct is that they never acknowledge the fact that the dismissing of the aforementioned employees is an immediate consequence of practicing Falun Gong. By informing the dismissing decision in merely oral channel, they avoided the Falun Gong issue deliberately and took every precaution to leave nothing behind in written form which may be taken as an evidence of their persecution, Great harms were thus brought to these employees, to their families and to their friends.

On December 19, 2003 and Jan 27, 2004, The Epoch Times reported on Volkswagen’s illegal treatment of job seekers in China. According to the article, the company would not consider hiring job seekers in China if they were unwilling to sign a guarantee statement promising not to practice or support Falun Gong. Volkswagen in China refuses to confirm the incident, or respond to any questions on the matter.

Unfortunately, the Volkswagen headquarter in Germany does not hear anything of these scandals happened in the Volkswagen company in China, or, keeps a deliberate silence. China is already Volkswagen』s second largest market outside of Germany. Volkswagen’s presence in China has grown steadily and it is predicted that 2007 sales in China will break one million cars. The objectives of China letting in the investment from Germany and other Western nations at a cost of lowering the value of natural sources and sacrificing the interests of labors, should not be considered only aim to increase the social wealth, but more importantly, to take in a showcase of western democracy civilization amidst a tyranny environment. As the largest car manufacture in Europe, Volkswagen should take on the moral responsibility of promoting the humanity value instead of being barbarized by the local imbrutement. If Volkswagen sticks to this state of ignorance and connivance, it is deemed to be rejected by the awakening Chinese public consciences as a beneficiary of the CCP’s tyrannical rule when the day of democracy comes to China.

During the Second World War Volkswagenwerk’s production was switched to armaments. Some 20,000 forced labourers, prisoners of war, and later also concentration camp prisoners, worked at the plant. In September 1998, in recognition of the events of that time, Volkswagen AG established a humanitarian fund on behalf of the forced labourers compelled to work at Volkswagen during the Second World War. Furthermore, a Memorial in remembrance of the forced labour employed at the Volkswagenwerk plant is currently being established at Wolfsburg, involving contributions from present-day Volkswagen apprentices, to keep alive the sentiment often expressed among Western nations following World War II – 「never again」 – meaning that a state-sponsored genocide like the one committed against the Jewish people in Germany should never be repeated. Miserable enough, I am witnessing that such kind of thing is exactly happening again in China today.

Your Excellency, as the first western politician of stature who met with the persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in China and revealed the persecution against them in public, your visit to China and the following action give the Chinese people a hope of change in the foreseeable future. For so many years, the Chinese people saw nothing but hypocrisy and pretense from western officials. You spoke frankly to the international community about what you saw, and commented in a straight forward manner on the inhumane, irrational, and monstrous nature of the CCP’s tyranny, leaving those western politicians no more excuse for pretending to be innocent, and those giant entrepreneurs no more excuse for obtaining bloody profits under the pretense of morality. It is also very important to let every European civic know what kind of detestable things are being staged in an influential European enterprise like Volkswagen in China.

Whereas your prominent position and your honorable character, I ask you, for the sake of the integrity of humanity and conscience, to pay attention to the facts of severe human rights abuses taking place in European companies in China. I hope you can

1. Urge the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel to stop immediately Volkswagen China from participating in any form of the brutal persecution against Falun Gong employees.

2. Urge the CEO of Volkswagen Dr. Bernd Pischetsrieder to investigate the persecution happening in Volkswagen China, look into the current living and health condition of those dismissed Falun Gong employees, resume their employment and compensate them for what they suffered.

3. Let German civics know what Volkswagen has done in China.

4. Pay attention to an on-going labor dispute lawsuit against FAW-VW brought in by Mrs. Li Hai-Feng, and give your moral support in your power.

Thank you for everything you have done for the Chinese people.

With high respect

The family member of a persecuted employee of FAW-VW




七一全球退出中共日 慕尼黑響應