英《曼徹斯特晚報》: 留學生的未婚妻在中國被囚禁


【大紀元4月10日訊】大紀元記者大偉編譯/英國《曼徹斯特晚報》4月6日報道一名中國留學生學生正在呼吁英國政府幫助說服他的祖國的當權者釋放他那被囚禁的未婚妻的故事。衛國, 曼徹斯特理工大學(UMIST)的學生, 害怕他將永遠都不能再見到他的女朋友永洁了, 她是在當局鎮壓被禁止的精神運動–法輪功時在北京被拘留的。

由于衛國也是這場運動中的一員所以不能回到中國, 因此這對情侶原來是打算在英國結婚。29歲的永洁正被拘留在中國某地, 但她的家人從她11月份被拘留后就失去了聯系。 法輪功這個運動由溫和的煉功動作, 打坐和基于佛法的教導組成。 如果宣傳法輪功的罪名成立, 永洁將面臨長達10年的監獄生活. 30歲的衛國說他在1999年到 曼徹斯特學習前曾經兩次因和法輪功有關而被逮捕—這恰好在運動被宣布非法前不久。

他說:”未婚妻在11月4日在北京被逮捕后我就不知道她在那里了。中國安全机构曾前往見過她的父母,但拒絕說出她的具体被拘留地。“我的夢想是她能來英國和我結婚, 但我知道距离夢想還很遠。我希望英國政府能對中國政府施加壓力從而釋放她。”

English original:

Copyright 2003 Manchester Evening News
Manchester Evening News
April 6, 2003


LENGTH: 375 words


A CHINESE student is appealing for help from the government to persuade
authorities in his homeland to free his imprisoned fiancee. Wei Guo, a
student at UMIST, fears he will never see girlfriend Yong Gie again after
she was arrested in Beijing as part of a crackdown on the banned spiritual
movement Falun Gong.

The couple were hoping to marry in the UK as Wei Guo cannot return home
because he too is a member of the movement. Yong Gie, 29, is being detained
somewhere in China but her family has had no contact since her arrest in
November. The Chinese government banned Falun Gong in 1999, branding it an
“evil cult”. The movement combines gentle exercise, meditation and teachings
loosely rooted in Buddhism. If convicted of promoting Falun Gong, Yong Gie
faces 10-years in jail. Wei Guo, 30, says he was arrested twice because of
his involvement with Falun Gong before coming to study in Manchester in 1999
– just before the movement was made illegal.

He said: “My fiancee was arrested in Beijing on the 4 November and now I do
not know where she is. Chinese security services went to see her parents,
but would not say where she is. “My dream is that she can come to the UK and
we can marry, but that is a long way away.

I am hoping that the British government will put pressure on the Chinese
government to free her.” Wei Guo, 30, says he was arrested twice because of
his involvement with Falun Gong before coming to study in Manchester in 1999
– just before the movement was made illegal.

He said: “My fiancee was arrested in Beijing on the 4 November and now I do
not know where she is. Chinese security services went to see her parents,
but would not say where she is. Wei Guo, 30, says he was arrested twice
because of his involvement with Falun Gong before coming to study in
Manchester in 1999 – just before the movement was made illegal.

He said: “My fiancee was arrested in Beijing on the 4 November and now I do
not know where she is. Chinese security services went to see her parents,
but would not say where she is.

He said: “My fiancee was arrested in Beijing on the 4 November and now I do
not know where she is. Chinese security services went to see her parents,
but would not say where she is.

LOAD-DATE: April 6, 2003

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