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【大紀元2017年09月13日訊】(大紀元記者夏雨綜合報導)白宮一位官員證實,霍普·希克斯(Hope Hicks)已經正式獲得任命,擔任白宮通訊聯絡辦公室主任。自川普(特朗普)參選美國總統以來,希克斯一直伴隨川普左右,是川普最親近的助手之一。

今年8月,在斯拉卡穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)上任白宮通訊主任不到兩個星期被解職之後,希克斯一直擔任臨時通訊主任職務。



白宮一位官員證實,霍普•希克斯(Hope Hicks)已經正式獲得任命,擔任白宮通訊聯絡辦公室主任。(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
白宮一位官員證實,霍普·希克斯(Hope Hicks)已經正式獲得任命,擔任白宮通訊聯絡辦公室主任。(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)


2012年,希克斯在公關公司Hiltzik Strategies就職時,和伊萬卡的時裝公司有合作,從此結識了川普集團。2014年,伊萬卡聘用了希克斯,她成為川普集團的一員。

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 05: White House Senior Advisor, Kellyanne Conway (L), stand with White House Communications Director, Hope Hicks, during a news conference with U.S. President Donald Trump and King Abdullah II of Jordan, at the White House April 5, 2017 in Washington, DC. President Trump held talks on Middle East peace process and other bilateral issues with King Abdullah II. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
霍普·希克斯(右)和康威在一起。(Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 27: Hope Hicks, White House director of strategic communications, listens while meeting with women small business owners with U.S. President Donald Trump, not pictured, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on March 27, 2017 in Washington, D.C. Investors on Monday further unwound trades initiated in November resting on the idea that the election of Trump and a Republican Congress meant smooth passage of an agenda that featured business-friendly tax cuts and regulatory changes. (Photo by Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images)
霍普·希克斯(左)。(Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images)
霍普•希克斯(Hope Hicks) (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
霍普·希克斯(左)和班農在一起。(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)





Hope Hicks, White House Director of Strategic Communications, steps off Air Force One upon arrival at Newark Liberty Airport in Newark, New Jersey on June 9, 2017. Hicks is traveling with US President Donald Trump to his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club to spend the weekend. / AFP PHOTO / MANDEL NGAN (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)
霍普·希克斯。(MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 29: From left to right: Hope Hicks, White House Director of Strategic Communications, Steve Bannon, Chief Strategist, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, and White House Policy Advisor Stephen Miller walk across the South Lawn of the White House to join President Donald Trump aboard Marine One as he departs the White House in Washington, DC en route to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania where he will participate in a Make America Great Again Rally on Saturday, April 29, 2017. (Photo by Ron Sachs - Pool/Getty Images)
霍普·希克斯(左一)。 (Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 24: President Donald Trump signs one of five executive orders related to the oil pipeline industry in the Oval Office of the White House January 24, 2017 in Washington, DC. Looking on are White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, White House Communications Director Hope Hicks, Senior Advisor Jared Kushner (2nd R) and Senior Counselor Stephen Bannon (R). (Photo by Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images)
霍普·希克斯(後排中間)在白宮。(Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images)


目前,白宮中有三名女性擔任通訊和新聞界的主要職務,她們是通訊主任希克斯、白宮新聞發言人薩拉·桑德斯(Sarah Sanders)以及第一夫人的通訊主任斯蒂芬妮·格里沙姆(Stephanie Grisham)。#

霍普•希克斯(Hope Hicks右)和康威在一起。 (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
霍普·希克斯(右)和康威在一起。(Alex Wong/Getty Images)


白宮新通訊主任承諾打擊洩密 不聽就解僱
遭川普批軟弱 塞申斯硬起來 將調查洩密
取代普利巴斯 凱利被川普任命為白宮幕僚長