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「陛下駕到,山羊有禮了。」3月3日,女王前往威爾特郡的皇家威爾士軍團,將代表威爾士的韭蔥贈送給士兵們。韭蔥用紅色的線捆好,別在帽子上。這是一項傳統的活動。軍團吉祥物山羊也列隊歡迎女王,它甚至有軍銜有名字,全名是「燧發槍手盧埃林」。(Ben Birchall- WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is blindfolded as he helps children with a leadership skills challenge as he launches the new Prince William Award with SkillForce on March 1, 2017 in Abergavenny. / AFP / POOL / Chris Jackson (Photo credit should read CHRIS JACKSON/AFP/Getty Images)
閉著眼睛也能搭帳篷。威廉王子啟動慈善機構SkillForce推出的威廉王子獎活動。( CHRIS JACKSON/AFP/Getty Images)
CARDIFF, WALES - MARCH 01: A man dressed as St David leads a parade, one of the largest events being held in Wales, to mark St David's Day, on March 1, 2017 in Cardiff, Wales. Across Wales numerous events are taking place to mark the day and to celebrate Welsh heritage and culture. St David, also known as Dewi Sant in Welsh, is the patron saint of Wales and although many associate St David with leeks or daffodils, his symbol is actually the Dove, which usually rests on his shoulder. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
3月1日,威爾士國慶日,也稱「聖大衛日」,一名男子扮作傳教士聖大衛引領卡迪夫的遊行隊伍。(Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
TOPSHOT - A tourist gestures as she poses next to a member of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment on Whitehall in central London on February 25, 2017. / AFP / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS (Photo credit should read DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP/Getty Images)
「眼鏡妹,你看起來很緊張,別怕,我不會踢你。」在倫敦市中心白廳,一名華人女遊客站在皇家騎兵旁邊留影。(DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP/Getty Images)
TAUNTON, ENGLAND - MARCH 02: Jeremiah McGrath is unseated from Treasure The Ridge at the last in The Ron Osborne Memorial Novices' Hurdle Race at Taunton Racecourse on March 02, 2017 in Taunton, England. (Photo by Alan Crowhurst/Getty Images)
冠軍、獎盃什麼的都是浮雲,安全才是最重要的。Taunton馬術障礙賽中,騎師不小心從馬上掉下來。(Alan Crowhurst/Getty Images)
BRECON, WALES - MARCH 02: A mother ewe follows her lambs as farmer Paul Brute transfers them from the lambing shed to the nursery shed on Gwndwnwal Farm during lambing season on March 2, 2017 in Brecon, Wales. Gwndwnwal Farm is a family run livestock farm in Brecon, South East Wales. The Brute Family are expecting to lamb 600 ewes this season producing over 1000 young. The season generally starts late January and runs through until April. These are the first lambs of spring which began, meteorologically, yesterday, 1st March. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
「Baa,Baa,主人,你要把我的孩子們送到哪裡?」春季羊群繁殖的高峰期到來了,農場主把剛出生的小羊羔從農場內的「產房」移到「育嬰房」,母羊緊緊跟隨。 (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
<> at Mowden Park on February 24, 2017 in Darlington, England.
「兄弟們,目標在那邊!」英式橄欖球六國賽20歲以下組的比賽中,英格蘭的Zach Mercer擔任隊長,指揮與意大利隊的比賽。(Getty Images)

