
人氣 4

10:15 AM – 3:45 PM, Saturday, Feb. 13th, 2016 ~*~*~

Time Performance Organization
10:15 擊鼓迎春 Welcome the New Year with Drums 台美學校
Taiwanese School of Atlan-ta Drum Corps
10:25 加官進爵(跳加官)
Dance of the Minister of Good Fortune 胡志明、亞城旗袍文化藝術中心
Atlanta Qipao Art & Cul-ture Center
10:30 致詞拜年 Greetings / Welcoming Remarks

MCs entrance and welcome all to the festival; Introduce VIPs to stage for welcoming remarks 王德、王祥瑞、戴輝源處長 致詞
僑教中心 傅瑾玲主任 致詞率社團負責人團拜
Overseas Compatriot Af-fairs Commissioners,
and the General Director of Taipei Economic & Cul-tural Office in Atlanta
10:35 歌唱 Sing Songs 重陽合唱團 Asian American Senior Citizens Associa-tion Choir
10:45 舞蹈 Dances:
1. 苗族舞:錦雞炫美 (Miao Dance: Golden Pheasants Basking in Beauty)
2. 兒童舞:扑蝶 (Chil-dren’s Dance: Catching Butterflies)
3. 漢族舞:歡慶 (Han Folk Dance: Hankerchief Dance)
4. 古典舞:敦煌琵琶 (Han Classical Dance: Dunhuang Pipa Dance)
5. 漢族舞:詠蝶 (Han Folk Dance: Butterfly Metamorphosis) 中華舞蹈社
Atlanta Chinese Dance Com-pany
11:05 歌唱 Sing Songs 偉思學校 Wesley Interna-tional Academy
11:15 藏族舞蹈:請你喝杯下馬酒 彩虹老人康樂中心 Circle of Love
11:20 兒童歌唱:
1. 拔蘿蔔 Picking Tur-nips
2. 兩隻老虎 2 Tigers
3. 快樂拍手歌 Happy Clap Your Hands
4. 新年快樂 Happy New Year 美南中文學校
Maylan Academy Interna-tional School
11:25 舞蹈:魅力夕陽 Modern Dance 希望老人中心 Asian Hope Day Care Center
11:30 芭蕾舞蹈 Ballet:
1. Working Hour 2. Fairy Doll
3. Sleeping Beauty 4. Esmerelda 星辰陳曉芭蕾學校
Morning Star Dance Academy
11:45 中國功夫 Chinese Kung-Fu 美南中文學校
Maylan Academy Interna-tional School
12:00 舞龍、舞獅(室外表演)
Lion & Dragon Dancing (Outdoor) 各高中生及各大專院校生
1:00 擊鼓迎春 Welcome the New Year with Drums 台美學校
Taiwanese School of Atlan-ta Drum Corps
1:10 太極 Tai Chi 華夏太極武術學校
Yang’s Tai-Chi Kung-Fu Academy
1:20 流行歌曲串燒 Medley of Pop Songs 昇華歌唱娛樂社 Singwah Performing Group
1:35 古箏 Chinese Guzheng Mu-sical Instrument – Classical Music
1. 雪山春曉Early Spring on Snow Mountain
2. 新春組曲New Year Song 逸弦箏樂團 Yisian Guzheng Ensemble
1:45 泰國舞 Traditional Thai Dance Thai Children’s Dance Group
1:55 服裝秀 Fashion Show 亞城旗袍文化藝術中心
Atlanta Qipao Art & Cul-ture Center
2:00 舞蹈 Dances:
1. 猴子舞 (Monkey Dance)
2. 敦煌彩舞 (Dunhuang Ribbon)
3. 蒙古兒女 (Mongolia Dance)
4. 維吾爾族 – 掀起妳的蓋頭來 (Uyghur Dance) 王廣敏舞苑
Eve Hao Dance Studio

2:25 扯鈴 Chinese Yo-Yo 中華文化學校 Chinese Cul-tural School
2:35 土風舞 Folk Dance:詩情畫意 重陽舞蹈團 Asian American Senior Citizens Associa-tion Dance Club
2:40 排舞 Line Dance: 1. Chinese Rumba
2. Chicken Walk Jive 3. Roly Poly 台美學校排舞社
Taiwanese School of Atlan-ta Line Dance Class
2:45 ZUMBA Dance Lifetime Fitness Center
3:00 舞蹈:拜年 Happy New Year Dance 舞韻社 Rhythmic Club
3:05 Hip Hop Dance Peter Lin Group of Georgia State University
3:15 菲律賓舞蹈 Traditional Filipino Dance Filipino Students Associa-tion
3:30 MC’s Closing Remarks MCs
3:35 燈謎 Cultural Riddles & Prizes 邱慧珠、李瑞琳 Hui-Ju Chiu & Irene Lee

10:30 AM – 3:30 PM, Sunday, Feb. 14th, 2016

Time Performance Organization
10:30 擊鼓迎春 Welcome the New Year with Drums 台灣學校鼓隊
Taiwanese School of Georgia – Drum Corps
10:35 加官進爵(跳加官)
Dance of the Minis-ter of Good Fortune 中華文化學校 Chinese Cultur-al School
10:45 致詞拜年 Greetings / Welcoming Remarks
MCs entrance and welcome all to the festival; Intro-duce VIPs to stage for welcoming re-marks 王德、王祥瑞、戴輝源處長 致詞
僑教中心 傅瑾玲主任 致詞率社團負責人團拜
Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commissioners,
and the General Director of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Atlanta
10:50 服裝秀 Fashion Show 亞城旗袍文化藝術中心
Atlanta Qipao Art & Culture Center
11:00 舞蹈 Dances:
1. 猴子舞 (Monkey Dance)
2. 敦煌彩舞 (Dunhuang Ribbon)
3. 蒙古兒女 (Mongo-lian Dance)
4. 維吾爾族 – 掀起妳的蓋頭來 (Uyghur Dance) 王廣敏舞苑
Eve Hao Dance Studio
11:25 歌唱 Sing Songs:
1. 紅豆 2. I Will Always Love You 朱穎玲 Celine Zhou
11:40 彝族舞蹈:月光下的彩群舞
Dancing in the Moonlight 東方舞蹈團 Cathay Atlantic Art Ensemble
11:45 國標舞 Ballroom Dance – Rumba 林梅君、許斌 Pin & Maggie Hsu
12:00 舞龍、舞獅(室外表演)
Lion & Dragon Danc-ing (Outdoor) 各高中生及各大專院校生
1:00 擊鼓迎春 Welcome the New Year with Drums 台灣學校鼓隊
Taiwanese School of Georgia – Drum Corps
1:05 國標舞 Ballroom Dance Atlanta Elite Ballroom
1:15 菲律賓舞蹈 Tradi-tional Filipino Dance Filipino American Association of
Columbus GA
1:30 現代舞 Modern Dance Georgia Tech Dance Company
1:35 古箏:Chinese Guzheng Classical Orchestra
新春組曲 Happy New Year 逸弦箏樂團 Yisian Guzheng Ensemble
舞蹈 Dances:
1. 漢族舞:年年有餘 (Han Folk Dance: The Fisherman and the Fish)
2. 傣族舞:邵多麗 (Dai Dance: Shao Duo Li)
3. 古典舞:敦煌樂舞 (Han Classical Dance: Dunhuang Mu-sic and Dance)
4. 佤族舞:佤族印象 (Wa Dance: Impres-sions)
5. 漢族舞:美麗的蝴蝶 (Han Folk Dance: Beautiful Butterflies)
6. 蒙族舞:鴻雁 (Mongolian Dance: Swan Geese) 中華舞蹈社
Atlanta Chinese Dance Company
2:10 排舞 Line Dance:
1. Chinese Rumba
2. Chicken Walk Jive
3. Roly Poly 台美學校排舞社
Taiwanese School of Atlanta Line Dance Class
2:20 越劇 Shaoxing Opera:
1. 西廂記的”琴心”
2. 追魚的”張郎你聽我從實講” 伊娜 YiNa
2:30 Belly Dance Amoora Dance & Fitness
2:45 Hip Hop Dance Peter Lin Group of Georgia State University
3:00 歌舞:期待再相會
‘Til We Meet Again 亞城舞韻社 Atlanta Dance & Rhythms Club
3:15 MC’s Closing Re-marks MCs
3:20 燈謎 Cultural Rid-dles & Prizes 邱慧珠、李瑞琳 Hui-Ju Chiu & Irene Lee

