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據代理副館長麥克‧達根(Mike Duggan)介紹,這批8月21日公開的錄音覆蓋時間是1973年4月9日至7月12日,共有94個錄音帶、340小時的談話。內容大多是尼克松與下屬和外國領導人討論內務和外交,很多與冷戰有關,包括尼克松和前蘇聯領導人勃列日涅夫之間的雙峰會,還包括尼克松與新加坡前總理李光耀在白宮橢圓辦公室就中國之崛起的討論。和錄音帶同時發表的還有長達3萬頁的文字記錄。


在尼克松錄音帶專家、美國國家檔案館與記錄管理局(NARA)的主管檔案管理員凱莉‧馬克斯戴(Cary McStay)的協助下,大紀元獲得了尼克松和李光耀在1973年4月10日進行的這段談話的文字稿(英文附在文后),顯示尼克松曾向李光耀請教他對中共未來發展方向的看法。李光耀當時認為:中美之間除了有個臺灣沒有真正的問題,中國有意與西方合作發展市場。中共的當務之急是蘇聯,美國雖然是「帝國主義侵略者」,但在中國人潛意識裡,美國人是有良心的,俄國人是沒良心的。








>> PRESIDENT NIXON: Uh, you, you, you, you, you certainly have a better feeling for the PRC — China and so forth, China’s future and so forth. Uh, do you think we’re pursuing the correct policy with them? What do you anticipate in the future there in regards to that?

>> LEE KUAN YEW: I have always said, you know, it was long that America has the position to join issue with them because you’ve got no real issues. The Straits of Formosa was an unnatural, uh, boundary.

Uh, I think if Chou En-lai plus Mao live long enough to accept this line, as well accept for an active class, making friends with all the West, borrowing and buying technology –not from anyone, so that it can be switched off and they’re back where they started, as they were with the Russians in the late ’50s. But buying Boeings from Americans, buying [unintelligible] from the British — never mind all the complications, with all their different tools and parts and so on. They could have bought, uh, Boeing 737s to compliment the 707s. Why, why buy Chinese? But just spreading their sources,they’ll cultivate the Japanese, they’ll cultivate the West Europeans individually,collectively encourage the common market to grow stronger. Their main preoccupation is Russia. And, uh, do you want to know what I think about it?

>> PRESIDENT NIXON: Oh, really.

>> LEE KUAN YEW: Take second-strike capability, which will make them sleep well at nights. And that they’re really afraid of the Russians. But, deep down in every Chinaman’s heart, or his subconscious, he, he can berate the Americans as imperialist aggressors and so on, but he, he knows that the Americans are a people with a conscience. He also knows that the Russians have no conscience. So, he’s really under no illusions about this.


>> LEE KUAN YEW: That’s why they have to play very, very carefully and are not going to upset the Russians. Not going to give way and show weakness either. They’re digging all these tunnels and so on — You can do your worst.


>> LEE KUAN YEW: Then you give up the next century to the Americans. If you engage us, by building up. And I think, once they reach this second-strike capability, then there is no possibility of pre-emption. And that’s a new phase, and that’s a new generation. And that’s about as far as we can look.

>> PRESIDENT NIXON: Oh, yeah. Well, you look around.

If you were sitting in Peking at the present time — I mean, from their viewpoint, from their standpoint.And I, and I say this without quoting anybody. But if I were a leader there, I would look around.And I would see forty or fifty Russian divisions along the border.To the South, I would see India with 500 hundred million people. They have contempt for India; they think they can just knock them down. And they’re right — they’re right in terms of what they could do to them militarily. But nevertheless, India, in their eyes, rapidly becoming a Soviet satellite

>> LEE KUAN YEW: Mm-hmm.

>> PRESIDENT NIXON: because Indian, Indian arms are there.

>> LEE KUAN YEW: Mm-hmm.

>> PRESIDENT NIXON: That’s why the India-Pakistan thing worried them so much.

They look further around: Southeast Asia is a, is a mess. That’s why, that’s why their policy in Southeast Asia is probably –They would prefer not to have, uh, a, a, a North Vietnam in charge of the whole business. They would prefer to have, they — in fact, they talked to us in terms of four Chinese states right?


>> PRESIDENT NIXON: The Chinese do. And then they look to the Northeast, Northwest — East, and they see Japan. And despite what Japan, uh, is doing at the present time toward peaceful directions, they know and respect the Japanese. Respect them and have reason also to fear what they’ve done. And then they look out, straight East, due East, at that wide, blue Pacific, and they see American Hawaii. Now, what friend do they have in that group? Us.

(For more information, please visit www.NixonLibrary.gov)

7月4日獨立日 在哪看南加州壯觀的煙花
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