
人气 7

【大纪元7月25日讯】(大纪元记者南希/李孜华盛顿DC报导) 2007年7月20日上午10:00, 来自世界各地的两千多位民众聚集在美国首都的华盛顿纪念碑北广场,声援二千四百万中国民众退出中共。来自纽约、波士顿的几十位华人在集会现场宣誓退出中共, 另有二十几位大陆民众通过现场直播集会的希望之声国际广播电台宣布退出中共。

华盛顿声援二千四百万民众退出中共国际集会于2007年7月20日华府华盛顿纪念碑 (大纪元图片)





今天, 我们在这里大声抗议独裁的江泽民在1999年7月20日发动的对法轮功学员的迫害。从那时起,中国共产党在中国更进一步的对善良人民犯下了的许多惨绝人寰的罪恶,尤其是活体摘除及贩卖法轮功学员的器官。这两千四百万前中共组织成员和中国法轮功学员将汇成人民的大海洋,淹没并呛死中共,因为他们追求的目标是民主和自由﹗

我代表寮国(老挝)民主联盟总裁布堂瑞提那先生(Mr. Bounthanh Rathina)、美国亚洲民主联盟主席和全美美裔越南社区总会长 阮文坛先生 (Mr. Tan Van Nguyen)、自由柬埔寨 (高棉) 社区领袖严塔奇先生 (Mr. Thach Yen),向集会的组织者表示感谢。

众所周知,中国、柬埔寨 (高棉)、 寮国(老挝) 、和越南都是被共产党所谓的“政府” 所施暴的封闭社会。对于共党头头而言,人权是它们的头号敌人。就像我们已经从不同的视角由中国人民或者外国记者的摄影镜头所看到的﹕中国各阶层苦难的人民像沙丁鱼一样的被中共统治者挤压在一起。这样的国家就像一个“庞大的监狱”,那里的民众被中共的军队和警察长期强迫的囚禁着。

各位女士、各位先生﹗我们美国亚洲民主联盟理解那些被囚禁在自己国家的民众的期望,这就是为什么我们支持法轮功学员对修炼自由的抗争。我们寮国(老挝) 、柬埔寨 (高棉)、中国、和越南的全体人民将和你们站在一起,为以下相同的目标而奋斗:



美国亚洲民主联盟 财务长
老挝(寮国)民主联盟 秘书长

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honor for me to be here and express my congratulations on 24 million Chinese men and women who are struggling for human rights and democracy in China by quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

This event is very important and vital to us, freedom fighters. Through these magnificent actions, we will send a strong message to the members of the communist parties all over the world that: 24 million men and women are on their way towards democracy and human rights for themselves; as well as setting our sights on all of humanity enjoying democracy in the near future.

Today, we are here to protest the outlawing of Falun Gong practitioners by former dictator Jiang Zemin started on July 20, 1999. Following this decree, many crimes against people have been committed in China, particularly the organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners. 24 Million former CCP members and Falun Gong practitioners will unite together in order to become an ocean of men and women which will submerge and drown the community party in China because the goal of these men and women is democracy and the freedom to conduct their own civil liberties.

On behalf of the United League for Democracy of Laos (President Bounthanh Rathina), the Alliance for Democracy of Asians in USA and Vietnamese American Community (Mr. Tan Van Nguyen), Free Khmer (Mr. Thach Yen), I would like to say thank you to the organizer of this Rally today.

As you know, China, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam are closed society lockdown by the clique designated communist parties: “the so called governments”. For them, human rights are the number one enemy. As we have seen from different angles of the camera taking pictures of difference faces of China, either by National Chinese or foreign journalists all demonstrate that all walks of life are difficult and are sardined into one cell. These countries look like giant prisons holding all their citizens, while facing forced imprisonment by their national army and police.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The alliance for democracy of Asians in USA understands the aspiration of the imprisoned citizens in their own countries. That is why we support Falun Gong practitioners to request their freedom of practice and will stand by their side with people of Cambodia, China, Laos and Vietnam to struggle for the same goal:

Such as:

Good Governance
Human Rights
Democratic constitution
Independence of Justice system

Thank you.

Thongchanh Boulom
Treasurer of The Alliance for democracy of Asians in USA
General Secretary of the United League for democracy of Laos.


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