


【大纪元6月3日讯】国际笔会狱中作家委员会强烈抗议最近对《海峡时报》香港记者程翔的被捕和拘押,呼吁立即释放他。根据最新报道,程翔于2005年四月下旬在中国南方广州被拘捕。当局指控他是外国间谍,并打算以“盗取核心国家机密” 的罪名起诉他,但迄今为止,还没有任何的证据证实他们的指控。













传真:+86 10 6596 1109



电子信箱: minister@legalinfo.gov.cn

传真:+86 10 65 292345


若需进一步的信息,请与国际笔会狱中作家委员会联系: 9/10 Charterhouse Buildings,

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电子信箱 :Intpen@gn.apc.org


2 June 2005

RAN 21/05

People’s Republic of China: Prominent Journalist Detained

The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of International PEN strongly protests the recent arrest and detention of Ching Cheong, the Hong Kong based correspondent for The Straits Times Newspaper, and calls for his immediate release.

According to recent reports, Ching Cheong was detained in late April 2005 in Guangzhou, southern China. The authorities have accused him of being a foreign agent and intend to charge him with “stealing core state secrets”,but have so far failed to furnish any evidence to substantiate their allegation.

Sources familiar with the case claim that Ching Cheong was attempting to get hold of a manuscript of secret interviews with the late Zhao Ziyang, a former Premier and Secretary-General of the Communist Party who opposed the government clampdown on the Tiananmen Square protestors in 1989, which led to his political downfall. It has been reported that the publication of the interviews would be extremely damaging to the Communist regime in China.

International PEN believes the detention of Ching Cheong to be unwarranted, and a violation of his right to free expression.

Recommended Action

Please send appeals:

-Expressing alarm at Ching Cheong’s detention and urging

the Chinese authorities to release him;

-Referring to concerns about the seemingly intractable

intolerance of dissent in China and a corresponding pattern

of harassment and arrests of writers and journalists;

-Urging the Chinese authorities to respect the right to

free expression as guaranteed under Article 19 of the

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Appeals to:

His Excellency Hu Jintao

President of the People’s Republic of China

State Council

Beijing 100032


Salutation: Your Excellency

WEN Jiabao Guojia Zongli

Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China

The State Council

9 Xihuangcheng Geneijie

Beijingshi 100032,

P.R. China

Fax: +86 10 6596 1109

Salutation: Your Excellency

His Excellency Zhang Fusen

Minister of Justice

10 Chaoyangmen Nandajie


Beijing-shi 100020


E-mail: minister@legalinfo.gov.cn

Fax: +86 10 65 292345

Salutation: Your Excellency

Please copy appeals to the diplomatic representative for China in your country if possible.

Please check back with WiPC if writing appeals after 30th June 2005.

For further information, please contact the Writers in

Prison Committee of International PEN, 9/10 Charterhouse

Buildings, London EC1M 7AT, United Kingdom. Tel:+44(0) 207

253 3226 Fax: +44 (0) 207 253 5711. Intpen@gn.apc.org.(http://www.dajiyuan.com)
