


Thank you respected Mr. Chairman,

My name is Yoko Kaneko. I was born in China. I am now residing in Japan. I am a practitioner of Falun Gong. I traveled back to China from Japan on May 24, 2002. I was arrested and put in labour camp without trial only for handing out Falun Gong fliers on the streets in Beijing. I was released after one and a half year. Here I would like to share some of my sufferings while under detention.

In the Police Hospital, the police tried to force me to give up my belief. They handcuffed me to a bed. The handcuffs were so tight that my wrists were bleeding. They not only injected a tube through my nose into my stomach for force-feeding but also used a catheter to drain urine so that I would not go to the toilet. At that time, I was menstruating. They put me on a plastic sheet with my lower body naked and exposed.

I was handcuffed to that bed for almost 20 days in the hot summer, lying in my own sweat, the sticky sludge, and the discharge from my lower body. When I was finally released from the bed, I couldn’t get off the bed by myself and couldn’t walk. The skin on my entire back got infected and rotted.

In the labor camp, the deprivation of sleep and brainwashing made my blood pressure increased up to 270, which made me become almost blind. They sent me to another hospital and let practicing doctors examine the bottom of my eyes by exposing my eyes to strong light for a long time. My eyes felt extremely painful. Afterwards I dare not see any light.

In the labor camp, some other Falun Gong practitioners were deprived of sleep for more than 20 days. Drug abusers were allowed to torture practitioners at will. We often heard horrible screams at night. Some women were tortured into losing sanity.

I once watched a video in the labour camp in which a self-claimed scientist Mr. Yusheng Wang summarized the evolution of techniques to brainwashing against Falun Gong practitioners and promoted the torture of deprivation of sleep. What shocked me most is that last Friday, I saw this person speaking and slandering Falun Gong in this UN Human Rights Plenary Meeting! I hope that all representatives could understand through his slandering remarks how the regime is trying to cover the truth of persecution.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.




在公安医院里,警察逼迫我放弃我的信仰。他们把我的两只手两只脚都铐在床上,手铐勒得特别紧,手腕都卡出了血,不光鼻子里插着胃管,他们还强行给我插上尿管,不让我下来上厕所。当时正赶上我来例 假,他们怕我把被子弄脏了,给我垫上塑料布,光着下身……6月份的北京气温有35、36度,身下被汗水、分泌的东西潮乎乎地烘着,上面灌完食他们不把食管 拔下来,也不系好,灌进胃里的东西反流出来,流到脖子上、肩膀上,到处都是粘乎乎的脏东西,他们一直捆了我近二十天。后来他们把我放下来,我在床上已经起 不来了,后背全都烂了,也不会走路了。



